This week The Show pitches its tent on Randall's Island in New York City for the Reebok Grand Prix. Among the highlights, we've got a showdown between Usain Bolt and Tyson Gay in the 100m, AND we've got LTOB in attendance to make certain our predictions come to pass.
NEW ENTRANTS, PUT YOUR TEAM NAME IN A COMMENT, BELOW. Returning contestants, feel free to let the trash talking begin.
***Update: You can pick your teams HERE!***
predicted winners
I could win by default..
My picks are in, team Sulphur Springs ready for another disappointment.
I was just going to include all the teams who entered for the adidas Track Classic... by default.
I figured newbies could throw their team into the fray on this comment thread.
My team is up and ready to go, lessthanourbest.com. I think the make-or-break event here has to be the women's discus. How can you not root for a woman named Krishna POONia?
Here is my team: "Columbia,SC Runner"
Maybe I'll win?
For what it's worth, I expect Anpum, proud purveyor of all things Ed Hardy, to make a strong showing this time around.
I'm back for another strong second to last place finish
I've got nowhere to go this time but down. here goes...
All my hopes rest, too, on Krishna Poonia... better known back in Gagarwas as "The Indian Ingenue."
And shut up - I know that nickname doesn't achieve true assonance.
Team Optimal Training's picks are in. Read 'em at the link in my name.
May the thrashing begin.
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