Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Now THAT'S Some Investigative Journalism

The London press has full-on Olympic fever as we approach summer, which means one thing: Bash, condemn, and overscrutinize Paula Radcliffe.

Fortunately for Paula, she now has a small diversion for the press to focus on and draw attention away from her Athens '04 blow-up: the birth of her baby girl, Isla.

Unfortunately for people who think child birth is less about "the miracle of life," and more about that which can only be called "ickiness", Paula
doesn't mind sharing specifics about this diversion. From guardian.co.uk:

"Counter-intuitively, it was partly her fitness that made childbirth difficult: 26 years of training, including running through the pregnancy, had tightened her muscles so much that they wouldn't release her baby. "She just kept getting blocked and stopped. [...]" That and an extremely narrow pelvis. "They measure it in three different places, but my final pelvic gap was 10.1cm, and Isla's head was 10.3, so that was never going to happen without a bit of help ..."

Baby "release" and "blocking"? Pelvic Gaps in relation to baby head measurements? TMI, Paula! TMI!

They are the stronger gender, though, no way 2:15:25 could have possibly hurt that bad.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Don't ask what that "extra help" was... just don't ask...

Believe me, you DON'T want to know.